Pavielle Jimenez Gallegos is a Semi- Finalist in the Eber&Wein Poetry Nation's National Ameautur Poetry Competition 2025 with her now Famous Poem " I Antoinette". My poem will be in the upcoming yearly anthology.
Meet Your Author Pavielle
Born in New York with proud Jamaican roots and raised in the vibrant suburbs of Northern Virginia, Pavielle brings a rich cultural tapestry to every story. At 38, she has already carved an impressive path—not only as a versatile writer exploring multiple genres, but also as an entrepreneur who runs several successful small businesses. This dynamic background fuels her passion for storytelling that blends heartwarming narratives, insightful factual information, and a flair for the unexpected.
A dedicated linguaphile who speaks six (and counting!) languages, Pavielle uses this global perspective to craft inclusive, compelling tales that resonate with readers from all walks of life. Whether penning wholesome, feel-good fiction or diving deep into informative non-fiction, her work always reflects a commitment to authenticity and inspiration. With each new project, Pavielle continues to challenge boundaries, celebrate diversity, and share stories that spark curiosity, hope, and wonder—inviting everyone to explore the richness of the human experience, one page at a time.

Pavielle Gallegos is a passionate writer and author who self-publishes her works on platforms like Amazon and Barnes & Noble. With a love for storytelling and a unique perspective, Pavielle's books offer readers a glimpse into her imagination and creativity.

A tiny bit more....
Each book by Pavielle Gallegos is inspired by real-life experiences, emotions, and observations. Themes of love, loss, hope, and resilience are prevalent throughout her works, offering readers a chance to connect with the characters and narratives on a personal level.

Above Picture Courtesy Tamika B. Client
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Explore the collection of self-published books by Pavielle Gallegos available for purchase on this website. From heartwarming tales to gripping mysteries, there's something for every reader to enjoy. Order your copies today and embark on a literary journey with Pavielle Gallegos.
Contact Pavielle Gallegos
Have a question or want to learn more about my books? Feel free to reach out to me using the contact form below.